Appropriate Method for Cleaning Machinery HMI Touchscreens

August 24, 2020

Choosing the wrong method of cleaning a touchscreen monitor can leave that monitor unusable. When a touchscreen HMI is used to control machinery, this could have the dire consequence of leaving the entire machine inoperable.

Importance of Cooling Water in a Continuous Belt Screen Changer

May 30, 2019

In a previous article “Not all Continuous Belt Screen Changers are Created Equal” I talked about the distinctions between the two basic methods of advancing the screen in a continuous belt screen changer – using melt pressure of the polymer being processed vs. an external mechanical force. Though we believe the benefits of using the mechanical method like the one used in our Key Filters brand of KCH screen changers make it a superior choice for melt filtration, regardless of the solution you are using there is a common requirement for reliable operation: the need for a steady supply of clean cooling water.

Extend the Life of Your Older Converting Equipment (And Enhance Production, Too)

December 15, 2018

That slitter rewinder you bought 40 years ago has been pretty good to you overall. But more recently there have been warning signs: glitches, worn-out parts needing replacement, and performance that’s not quite measuring up. If this scenario sounds familiar, it may be time for an upgrade. 

Preventive Maintenance Part 2 – Inspection List

February 21, 2018

In a previous preventive maintenance article, we discussed back-up batteries and how replacing them will save time and money, and ultimately a lot of headache. However, the battery isn’t the only part of a machine that can be overlooked. Here is a list of other items that should be inspected.

Preventive Maintenance Part 1 – Back-up Battery

February 6, 2018

Your workhorse machine has given you decades of service due to your diligent maintenance practices and emphasis on safe and careful operation over the years. Overlooking one small and easily missed reminder can stop you dead in your tracks and result in costly downtime and service visits. This inexpensive component (usually less than $20.00) can save your organization a lot of grief if it is an included item in your preventive maintenance regimen.